✍️ Who is on your team in 2025 and beyond? Maverick principles & food for thought ...
11 principles, 9 No-Nos, performance and trust matrix, everyone’s wrong sometimes, the best answer is the great question, who are the best managers?
Dear all,
have a great 2025 and welcome to the +700 new inquisitive minds that subscribed to this publication doing independent economic and investment research! Currently delivered to 160 countries and 50 U.S. states to a smooth group of +12,800 people!
2025 research is work in progress, many ideas with a focus on quality over quantity! The next extensive research will cover key topics via sleek visuals for 2025 & beyond:
✍️ Top 50 Maverick Charts to Watch in 2025 & Beyond! ✍️
Until then starting the year with a ‘ Maverick Food For Thought’ kind of post!
Firstly, one via Nassim Taleb where he covers 11 principles and 9 No-Nos. Naturally, these are not 100% black/white, many nuances and contexts can be derived. What is for sure is that I like them and I remind myself of them occasionally. Maybe you will too and will engage into your own useful introspection journey! Food for thought … .
On that number 4, do not read newspapers/news: some consumption we all do just watchout for the ‘The Rise of Negative Media’ for clicks & views for advertising money, and that is because the algos are made as such, that is what attracts views! As always, I have empirical data on that not just some empty or random opinion:
👉 there is a huge negative news positive bias, and a big positive news negative bias. Since 2010, the media massively increased headlines that use fear, anger, disgust, and sadness. Correspondingly, it has also decreased articles of neutrality and joy.
👉 it's no surprise that few media outlets are covering this meta point, isn’t it?
On the positivity side about the world, have you seen this visual summarising 2024?
👉 I doubt it … because the media/algos do not ‘promote’ these kinds of developments
👉 huge progress from health, quality of life, natura & animals, eco & climate & wow!
Secondly, who is on your team in 2025 and beyond?
I will be with the independent economic and independent research, yet what about your general environment for your personal and business life?
I strongly recommend you get inspired from how the Navy selects who gets to join the elite SEAL Team 6: it is about the Performance & Trust matrix, specifically avoiding the most toxic person … ‘Who is the asshole?’
it reminds me also Warren Buffet’s take on the 3 things to look for in a person: “Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it, it’s true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy.” (😊)
‘Everyone’s wrong. No matter who you are. Everyone’s wrong some of the time!’ Elon Musk on a 5-step improvement process: it is counterintuitive but so true! Valid for business, finance, economics, research, engineering … enjoy it!
Very often, the best answer is the great question! Meaning truly understanding what questions to ask, and if you can properly frame the question, then the answer is the easy part! And just like that, breakthrough solutions can pop while explaining it!
It is just fine to be the ‘stupidest’ person in the room, trust me, many many are:
Who are the best managers? The great individual contributors who never ever wanna be a manager! Steve Jobs’ take:
No wonder Apple became the most valuable company on planet earth, likely soon hitting the $4 trillion mark … you can check my take on Apple from 2023:
✍️ Apple (AAPL) - The Big Apple = The Most Valuable Company on Planet Earth
Sharing this around with like-minded people + hitting the 🔄 & ❤️ buttons are key! That’ll definitely support bringing in more & more independent investment research!
Like this, the big positive externalities become the name of the game! Thank you!
Have a great Sunday! Keep compounding: capital, friends, community, erudition and mindset!
Mav 👋 🤝
What is this
THX MAV! Great food for thought, very important for each of us! Cheers!